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The Defunct NG&DR

It seems appropriate to have a small remembrance of the railway that generated much of what is on this site. Here it is, mainly images, just one for each year with a few extras.
2005. Early days; not a lot of track, nothing growing, but the kids liked it.
2005. A visitor. Kevin's trains always are magnificent; this one gracing the railway in its infancy.
2006. Another visitor. George's Climax.
2007. I modelled an 1880s coal train.
2008. The railway fought back. Rust is good.
2009. Joe's Shay. Chronologically challenged, but the NG&DR is starting to look like a railway.
2010. Gauge 3 in the early summer. The Honeylocust tree dumps its flowers everywhere.
2011. Hauling an empty coal train through the Turkish Veronica, Thyme, Forget-me-nots, and other plants.
2012. The North tunnel portal. The stream crossing is the low point of the line.
No train.
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last-modification-date:  7 Sep 2013